If you would like a copy of my full CV, please email me at g.smith@ed.ac.uk.


PhD at the University of Edinburgh, expected 2027

MMath (Hons) Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, 2021

Work experience

Analytical Scientist at MCS Ltd, 2022-2023. This was a varied role at a small consultancy company providing materials science and failure analysis services to a wide range of clients across the engineering sector, including electronics and aerospace and defence. In addition to other responsibilities, I acted as project lead on many projects for our clients, and developed data analysis workflows for electron microscope images.

Research Experience Placement at the School of Geosciences of the University of Edinburgh, funded by NERC through the E4 DTP, 2020. The topic was improving estimates of glacier thickness using satellite observations, MATLAB, and a flowline model of glacier dynamics.